#The Littlest Reich
j3sterc0re · 11 months
Fuck tlr all my homies hate tlr
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mzswanage · 10 months
So like, what's the general consensus on The Littlest Reich? Like, the soundtrack is amazing... But the rest of the film just feels mean spirited and not in a good way. Just off-putting. I prefer my puppets being the good guys lol. And especially when they're killing Nazis and not the other way around.
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sillymovietrailer · 1 year
Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich
Skipping right ahead to the last Puppet Master movie, and the last one I saw, because I am in the mood for a little bit of a rant. As you can tell by that delightfully tactful title, this reboot basically swaps things around so that the puppets and Andre Toulon, instead of fighting Nazis, are Nazis. Now keep in mind as I say this that I am no prude, my taste in films can attest to that, but I find the idea of taking characters that have previously been strong opponents of something like Nazism, and having them go for it, is really distasteful to be honest, especially these days when alt-right groups are such a big problem again. It didn't work well when someone did that to Captain America (I love that the films decided to boil that entire stupid plotline down to a joke in Endgame), and I don't think it works here. Plain and simple, this is edgelord Puppet Master, going "I'm here to push buttons" when it's just being an insensitive arse. I get the sense that a lot of this comes from the script by S. Craig Zahler, whose other works show this streak (like being OK to give Mel Gibson a starring role again). I'm not going to go too long into all this, as I don't really enjoy writing a really overtly negative review like as I used to, but I will just get off my chest that in my opinion, though it does pull off some impressive gore and carnage, this mean spirited reboot is kind of the worst direction the property could have gone in.
Still, I will say one nice thing about this; a new score by Italian horror veteran Fabio Frizzi, that's pretty cool.
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fanofspooky · 2 hours
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Scream Queen - Barbara Crampton
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crystallakeslasher · 12 days
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In the 3rd photo why does it look like he’s in a scooby doo scene 😰
The newest Blade looks so weird like bro 😭 I’m guessing they wanted a “realistic” version but honestly he’s just a puppet and he could have any type of design
Also just why, man 😔
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theraphos · 10 months
okay I did it! I fucking did it! I have finally seen EVERY PUPPET MASTER MOVIE ever made and also no one should ever do that actually but I'm not on this hell site to make good decisions okay
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horresco · 5 months
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Puppet Master- The littlest reich (2018)
Being forced to move back in with his parents after his divorce, Edgar finds a strange doll in his brother's old room. Checking online it seems to be one of the extremely valuable Toulon-puppets and there's an auction for them happening in a hotel nearby so him, his new girlfriend and his friend/boss are going on a little trip there. Collector's from all over the area are gathering in the hotel bringing their Toulon puppets to sell until the puppets start coming to life and begin a murder spree. And of course, in a diverse and open world, racist nazi puppets find plenty of suitable victims.
So. Um. I'll be blunt. This is a movie about nazi puppets committing hatecrimes... Okay hear me out, of course this movie is offensive and tasteless. It's about as offensive as a 12 year old screaming the n-word in Fortnite voicechat, meaning that it's technically offensive but also not REALLY. Weirdly enough, because of the premise the cast is unbelievably and unapologetically diverse aswell as mostly likeable or at least interesting, which i thought was very enjoyable. I actually gave a fuck about what happened to them. So the whole tone was a BIZARRE choice for a slasher movie where you are usually supposed to look forward to gory and creative kills. And they were not a let down at all either, they were gory and over the top and stupid as they should be in this type of film... You just really, REALLY need to zone out the hatecrime aspect. I have no clue what the writers were thinking because it's certainly a passion project. Like i said, the characters are likeable and fun, the kills are wild and the right amount of silly/crazy that is needed for this premise, there's decent effects, the dolls are quirky, writing and pacing are going pretty well. It doesn't look cheap or rushed, someone cared. Of course it's still a bad movie, it's a film about killer nazi puppets but they really really tried. This was a loveletter to a film franchise that was trash from movie 1 onward and they put their all into it. Again, bizarre choice for people who clearly love a franchise about puppets fighting AGAINST nazis to turn that into the puppets BEING nazis. But if you do want to see puppets kill people in insane ways it's probably the best possible version of that? It sure is a movie. A deeply stupid movie.
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halloweenhundreds · 7 months
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Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich kind of confirms and underlines every reason one might love or hate writer Zahler. So many friendly faces and gruesome death scenes…this feels like the movie the series has been trying to make all along. Shame about the last 55 seconds of the movie but nobody’s perfect….
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askfoxythejokerfox · 1 year
tomorrow’s horror slasher movie ill be watching ^w^
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argocitycosplay · 2 years
Puppet Master : The Littlest Reich
Puppet Master : The Littlest Reich
Sometimes I’m wrong. It’s funny, I’ve heard a lot of people talk about Puppet Master, the Littlest Reich. I’ve heard nothing but good things admittedly. But, the thing is, once puppet master started leaning into the whole World War II stuff all the retro puppet Master stuff, you got less interesting to me. I like seeing the killer puppets in modern times killing modern people. Watching them kill…
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rmlarson · 7 months
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Happy Halloween, bitches!
I know it's been a hot minute since my last post so I found it appropriate to make another spookyish drawing.
When I was younger (maybe fifth or sixth grade, I don't really remember), I absolutely adored the Puppet Master franchise. My dad had gotten me one of the older box sets of the current movies out at the time and a Blade replica (he wasn't all that much of a replica though...more like a knockoff).
And I gave them away when I got bored of it.
Well, thanks to YouTube and its shitty selection of free movies, I saw some of the more recent ones and they blow absolute ass.
What does this have to do with anything?
Not much.
I just want to post about how much I adore those damn puppets! And bitch.
Jester is my son and Blade looks dashing with Coral Blue #5 lipstick. You can't tell me he doesn't.
***Oh, also, the Littlest Reich was utter ass and was produced by a pedophile! Don't fucking watch it! You want gore, go watch Terrifier! At least Art isn't retconned into a Nazi!***
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spooky-bear15 · 1 year
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Torch having normal feet and a human hand freak me out a bit.
This was a behind the scenes photo of the Christmas Special Puppet Master did before the Littlest Reich came out
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fanofspooky · 9 months
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The Littlest Reich
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blanket-nymph · 5 months
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I’ll see what I can do 😉
Good luck! Make sure you include the following puppets:
Leech Woman
Six Shooter
Oh! And makes sure you don't reference The Littlest Reich on the entry, okay? Thank you~ ❤️❤️❤️
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich Online fácil
Assistir Filme Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/puppet-master-the-littlest-reich/
Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich - Filmes Online Fácil
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Um recentemente divorciado homem descobre uma boneca de lâmina de condição de hortelã no armário do irmão falecido e planeja vender o brinquedo em uma convenção em Oregon comemorando o 30º aniversário dos infames assassinatos de toulon. Todo o inferno se solta durante o leilão quando uma força estranha anima todos os fantoches por toda a convenção, colocando-os em uma mistura sangrenta.
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